Ralph Wheelock School
Grade 3 Supply List
1 pair of children’s pointed scissors
1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
1 box of sharpened colored pencils
2 yellow highlighters
2 dozen yellow #2 pencils, sharpened (MUST BE-Ticonderoga brand)
1 three-ring binder (1 inch, white with clear view cover)
1 spiral bound one subject notebook (wide rule)
1 package of pencil top erasers
1 black and white composition notebook 100 sheets (wide rule)
10 glue sticks
1 plastic pencil box
2 black dry erase markers
1 box of tissues
1 roll of paper towels
Clorox Wipes (to be used by teacher)
earbuds for iPads or Chromebooks
Optional: 1 box of thin markers