Saturday, November 16, 2019

"Fall" in love with Third Grade!

This fall season has been nothing but wonderful with the third graders in Room 205.  So much learning and fun has happened.  Check out some highlights below!

Plimoth Plantation

 Bus ride shenanigans!
 The Rock

 The Grist Mill

 The Wampanoag Homeside

 The Village

 Discussions with a pilgrim

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Pilgrim Craft's Day
 Beading Necklaces

Sewing Drawstring Pockets

 Baking Breads

 Braiding Belts

Victory Garden
Our very own garden at Wheelock.  All vegetables planted by our students in second grade, harvested in third grade, then used in our delicious beef stew at our Rocky Woods Feast.  What an amazing community we live in!

 Serious carrot business!

Weighing our Vegetables

Rocky Woods
 Splitting Wood

 Chopping Veggies

 Awesome Chaperones!

 Cute Pilgrims!

 Lots of Food Preparations

 Catching our Dinner!

 More awesome chaperones!

 We love playing "dress-up" also!

 More Amazing Helpers!

Rocky Woods 2019 was a huge success.  Thank you to everyone who helped to make this day possible!  


 Our awesome custodian, Mr. Spence, taking Halloween very seriously!

Here are my own children!  I swear they were happy.  Why can't they ever smile?  :)